July Goals

Posted on the 01 July 2014 by Klnelms @klanelms
MAY GOALS: -Finish: Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn  Review coming soon!  -Mail three snail mail letters  Let me know if you would like to be a part of this! Email me your address! -Pick up flowers to decorate my front porch. -Wake up earlier to work out. -Purchase Bread & Wine: A Love Letter to Life Around the Table with Recipes. -Spend more time with Him. -Drink more water, and less soda. -Finish my blog calendar for May/June.

JUNE GOALS:-Remaining May Goals -Start printing wedding pictures.  Yes, I'm late.
-Make a packing list for our beach trip in July.
-Join in more link-ups with my bloggy friends.
-Get my nails done.
I certainly need to work on crossing off those last things on the previous lists.  Life lately has just been so busy, with what seems like everything, that I've really let my goals post slip.  Maybe July will help get my back on track.


- Grab coffee with a friend.
- Keep a blogging schedule of 3 posts, per week.
- Gone Girl {Book Review}
- Organize closet
- Devotional time, daily.