Self Expression Magazine

June's Purchases

Posted on the 21 June 2012 by Accordingtoamber @sgwennu
First off, apologies, my dear readers for taking the week off from the blog. I had lots and lots to get sorted (which I'm going to tell you all about tomorrow in the weekly musing) and I really really wanted to do this haul post and couldn't seem to find the time to photograph everything. But here we are! This is basically everything I have bought in the last month, so through June really, and a little bit of May... That may be just me trying to justify spending so much money, ah well!
**I'd also like to point out that I in no was consider myself a beauty blogger or expert of shampoo and soap, so this is all just my opinion. Enjoy!
June's Purchases

This was a prime example of a time where I popped in to get one thing, and then came out with pretty much everything but. I actually went in to get a Body Shop Wild Rose Targeted Hand Oil which Zoe posted about sometime last week I think it was... I have really dry skin around my nails and my nails are in an atrocious condition from work, so I was pretty excited to go buy this. I popped it on, and had a wander around the shop to check I liked it.
I picked up a Dewberry Bath&Shower Gel for £2?! bargain.  It smells amazing and not too sweet, which is great for me.
The Japanese Cheery Blossom Body Lotion was £1 as it is a miniature or sample size, but it smells lovely and clean? Maybe like a floral soap. I definitely has something sudsy about it. 
The Moroccan Rose EDT is definitely my favorite buy out of all of them, it's on sale at £7.0 and is like a spicy rose oil. It certainly isn't heavy but it lasted all day. Perfumes just seem to disappear into my skin pretty quickly but the really lingered. It's gorgeous. I had a hard time deciding between the Moroccan Rose and the Japanese Cherry Blossom, but I was worried that latter was too much of a light, sweet floral. I like slightly heavier scents. 
June's PurchasesAs perhaps you have guessed, by the time I'd finished debating which perfume to get it was time to check back on how this Rose hand oil was doing. I was not impressed, lets put it that way. It had done nothing but make my skin a little shiny. It didn't leave my fingers oily which was great, but it wasn't in any way moisturising either. Also, at £7.00 it would have been a waste of money.
Instead, I picked up this Hemp Moisture High Balm. It's specifically meant for hands, and it's quite hard, almost like a lipbalm I suppose, but it works wonders. It did exactly what I wanted it to and isn't at all greasy. Happy customer. 

June's PurchasesThe last time I'd been in The Body Shop before my little shopping spree above was when I bought some Rainforest Moisture Shampoo and Conditioner. The shampoo wasn't too bad actually, it was like an oil, and certainly took it's sweet time to lather up and clean my hair properly but it did feel better for it afterwards. The condition was rubbish though, and didn't seem to do anything for my hair. At about £6.00 a bottle, I was in a fairly bad mood about shampoos. 
I saw these in Savers for £1 a bottle, and I'm not sure if you can really tell from the pictures but they are massive bottles for that price. Also, they're fantastic. Really. I've been so so impressed with them. After about two weeks of use (I wash my hair every other day) my hair had so much more of a natural healthy shine and bounce to it. So these bottles are actually my second round, because I thought I should stock up in case the price went up. 
I think I first used this range when a shine spray came free with a magazine a couple of years back. Anyone remember that? Well, I really liked that and was certainly impressed by these products too. Thrilled.

June's PurchasesI very nearly bought these two exact colours from Ciate, because I had a 20% of discount code - but later decided that I didn't really have the money for it. When I spotted these, I had actually been shopping for tights, and the trays of pretty bottles and the £3.50 price tag distracted me all the way from the lingerie section. And it's a good few metres in between those two. And where did I get these lovely bargains? Marks and Spenser. Who'd have thunk it.

June's PurchasesDid I mention how much of a state my nails are in because of doing delivery shifts at work? Well after reading so many rave reviews, I opted for OPI's Nail Envy to see if it was any good. I'm going to do a proper review on this with a week-by-week update of how and if my  nails improve. But anyway... I clearly didn't read the description properly on eBay because I was pretty perplexed to receive this ridiculously miniature bottle of it. I popped it next to a full size one to show the difference! At least it was cheap...
(The yellow polish is Lemonade Stand by Your Man)
June's PurchasesThis primer is a blatant rip off of the "that gal" one by Benefit, but works just as well if you ask me. I don't remember 'that gal' doing anything fabulous for my skin, but "prime it" just smooths out all the rough edges so-to-speak. It also does a much better job of helping my foundation stay on that moisturiser does. It was also £1. No joke. It from a store called The Factory Shop, and they have lots of cheap cosmetic rip-offs. Sorted. 
The little Nail Varnish Remover wipes were like £2 from Topshop. They are lovely to use and are now another thing rattling around in my handbag.

June's PurchasesThis photo is going to make me look a little obsessed. The chocolate is for a friend, so I haven't tried it. But I'm getting real tempted to go back fro another bar just so I can sample some. I was won over by sea-salt chocolate so maybe this will be just as good?  It was from Topshop of all places and was £3.The notebooks are most definitely mind though. They're from Wild&Wolf and just so damn cute! I love mini-notebooks, and I love the contrasting colours on these. Two are lined and two are plain. I just have no idea what I'm going to put in the yet. Oh dear... But then we always need notebooks, right?!I did, uh, buy some clothes as well. But I'm going to do some scary outfit posts on Saturday so you can see those properly. I say scary because you're going to be horrified by how chubby I am - and I'm scared because said chubbiness is going on the internets. Have you bought anything interesting this month? Link me your purchases below, because I'm a nosy cow. Oh, and does anyone else like Marmite?!
June's Purchases

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