Just for Today...

Posted on the 24 June 2012 by Brenda @PibblesNHeathen

(Photo credit: HaPe_Gera)

Just for today I will try not to judge those Who so quickly judge others And condemn them to the pits of Hel.
Just for today I will rise above the ignorance in the world Go to my happy place  And find my inner peace.
Just for today I will ignore those who are hypocritical And pitty them For they do not see their faults.
Just for today I will focus on the positive, ignore the negative and Walk the other way.
Just for today I will be ME A beautiful human being Who's in pursuit of a new faith and infinite happiness.
Just for today I will be ME A person who has seen her faults And is determined to be a better person.
Just for today Am I thankful for yet another day of breath Another day of sunshine and  Another day of health.
Just for today I will LIVE