So, today, after catching up on all my blogs, doing a few random tasks here and there, perusing Facebook, Twitter, etc. I headed on over to Pinterest. And I stumbled across this pin:

Source: Uploaded by user via Sarah on Pinterest
And I thought, "Oh, if only I could."
The other day, out of the blue, Office Boy said that one day we should take the Chinatown bus up to New York and just hang out for the day. Being the New York lover and total theater geek that I am, I said absolutely. And then I realized...I don't have a free weekend where I could conceivably do that until April 20.
That's 50 days away. And that's until the Friday. Since Office Boy doesn't have every other Friday off like myself, it would be 51 days before this could conceivably happen.
And that made me kind of sad.
I've always thought it would be so neat to pack a bag for the weekend, go to the airport, hop on the next plane to wherever it would take you and have a grand adventure. I mean, seriously, how awesome would that be?
I've always loved to travel. Blame it on being a Navy brat and spending the first five years of my life outside the continental US. But regardless of the source, I love to travel and experience new sights and places. Now don't get me wrong. I don't like change. I don't like to move. I love having my established, stationary home to come back to. But I love to experience new places and people and cultures for short periods of time.
In my 23 years I've been to twelve countries (United States, Canada, Italy, Germany, Denmark, Switzerland, Thailand, England, Wales, Scotland, Ireland, and Northern Ireland), three of the six inhabited continents (Northern America, Europe, and Asia...I'll skip Antarctica, thanks very much), and forty-two states (all except Alaska, Maine, Vermont, New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut and Delaware). It's one of my personal goals to visit the other three inhabited continents (South America, Africa, and Australia) and the other eight states before I die.
And yet I've been stationary for some time. I haven't been out of the country since 2007. I've been out of the state very recently, but I've still spent the large majority of the last few years in the same state. And so even though I love living here and I love being stable and staying in one spot...I'm itching for an adventure.
I wish I didn't have a full-time job. I wish I didn't have commitments and things that I need to get done. I wish I could just get up and go. I wish I could just go pack a bag and leave for a week and have a grand adventure.
I guess my grand adventure will have to wait for at least another 51 days.
What about you? If you could go anywhere right now, where would you go?