Just to Get You Going.

Posted on the 14 October 2011 by Bazkarim @BazKarim
An introductory entry as this will be, I would firstly state that....
This entry will be the first of many, and i would like to commence by saying....
*Ok i have a better one*
To have looked back and examine my older blog, I honestly could say that....I never wanted to look at it again. Of course before deleting the whole thing i managed to export its contents into my hard drive (just in case).
My goal is to start anew, now i'm not going to lie....i may have the occasional 'breakdown' (so to say) and use this blogging platform as a way to vent. But that is one of the negative aspects i want to avoid (because blogging about problems is easy, displaying it online is damn easy) and a reason that I am starting this new page.
Now, my goal isn't to gain fame off this field (blogging field). It's to transcribe my thoughts and portrayals of my views and certain topics and/or areas, with of course my personal touch. To be recognized by my entries would be nice...a PLUS in fact. The main goal at hand is to share my opinions without causing any 'negative effects' or the equivalent online term 'hate'.
I promise to change my template because it IS like looking at a blog that is trying to hard. I swear to god i did try to change it, but who the heck understands "no skin detected" ?!Honestly keep it simple bloggr, its bumming me out here.
I will be tagging really random words just to get a few viewers/readers (so if your here because of that i apologize, and that would mean my experiment worked!)