Justin Bieber All Grown Up!

Posted on the 30 March 2012 by Thealyway @DarlingRaquel
Now that Justin Bieber is a full fledged adult, masculine voice, cute & famous girlfriend in all... he is moving into the position that JT (Justin Timberlake) has left open while exploring a film career. And I must say... I LOVE IT! "Boyfriend" has been playing non-stop in my vehicle, and I am hooked. I can't wait to hear the rest of his future album entitled Believe.
Justin Bieber All Grown Up!
Justin Bieber All Grown Up!
If you are of the few that has not yet heard his new single, here it is... enjoy.

Hope you all have a wonderful evening! I'm still at work, but when I go home I can't wait to see who has been kicked off American Idol. It was incredible last night. Sweet dreams.