Self Expression Magazine

Jyothi Who?

Posted on the 24 May 2012 by Jyothi @juxtatcr

I hear it takes a lot of courage to say what is on our mind. But this comes naturally to me . I am a candid Sagittarian. I know I have lost a few friends that way, but those that stick around in spite of the sharp arrows of my wisdom, do end up being life long friends.

There is certain truth to what one such friend said to me recently. I claimed to her that my blog is a reflection of me. And she says, that’s what I want to believe and that it is not true. Since then I have been wondering what to write. For one, I am not a philosopher, I don’t preach neither do I make assumptions here. I just write what my heart directs me to. But yes, in the end, my head does do the editing. For example, this is the third post I am typing today and who knows this might not be the one to get published either.

She hasn’t yet responded to my question as to what makes her think so. Just incase you are reading this dear, do reply and let me know the answer. Even though I try my best to keep secrets, I am an open book and this disclosure has helped me confirm it. :)

This blog, though I want it to reflect the real me, I am afraid it really doesn’t. Why I am saying this is that, I am not really sure who or what I am anymore. This online phase of my life has been all about rediscovering my true self. During my first stint as a blogger, my blog title was ” Life Does Have a Meaning”. Yes, I was looking to find the meaning of my life. What better place to look for it than the world wide web. And thus a blogger was born.

I have met strange and interesting people in this virtual world. And though many state that the virtual person and the real person differ a lot, I do believe that maybe the virtual person is the real person crying out for help. The written media like blogs, help us identify the genuine ones from the fake. It is all about reading between the lines. Although I have no idea why she said what she did, it did leave me with a question, ” Do I sound like a fake to you?”.

Like I said in my last QUOTE. I really don’t take these things to heart, cause my conscience has always been clear. But you know, curiosity kills. :D

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