K is for Karate

Posted on the 13 April 2015 by Amitagulia
Ever had to buy a gift for little a girl and you brought a soft toy? Well, there is nothing wrong in that. Do keep in mind that the cute little girl might have moves of a black belt. Yes, here are two cuties that have conquered the world.

K is for Karate

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Varsha VinodAt the tender age of 5, the adorable and cute little girl in bob cut grabbed the honor of being world's youngest female karate black belt in 2009. She even had a face off with British Karate Federation Champion Juan Moreno in London. Juan was also shocked with her skills and has said, “It's hard to remember she is just five. Her skills and concentration are amazing”. The sharp and killing moves of little wonder have also been noticed by technology guys and have been replicated in the EIDOS computer game Mini Ninjas. The sweetheart in two pony tails also has Varsha School of Martial Arts to her honor. Information sources:http://www.varshakaratekid.com/http://edition.cnn.com/2009/SPORT/10/08/karate.black.belt.five/index.html?iref=topnewshttp://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/asia/india/6253878/Worlds-youngest-female-karate-black-belt-arrives-in-UK.html

K is for KarateKhushi Ankur PunjKhushi means happiness. Despite being suffering from Asthma, the little fairy brought another dose of ‘Khushi’ for her country India and made us feel proud when she was declared the youngest female, second degree black belt holder in the Martial Arts World. The nine year old wonder girl also loves dancing and spends her weekends practicing kathak.“If you practice karate well, no one will take any pangey with you. And also, you get medals which feels great. Karate can also let you help others.", says Khushi. Aren't these big and encouraging words straight from her heart too  big for her age? But the girl deserves every bit of applaud.Information/Image sources:http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/city/thane/Thane-kid-becomes-Indias-youngest-2nd-degree-black-belt/articleshow/46077506.cms
This post is written as a part of April 2015 A to Z Challenge. My theme for this year is Women In A to Z Professions. Click at the link to check other professions women have excelled in and their respective links.Karate