KEDA Multi-purpose Ladyshave

Posted on the 26 September 2013 by Genzelkisses

All of us girls want to get rid of those unwanted hairs on certain parts of our bodies.  There are actually a number of ways to do this.  You can opt for tweezers, shaver, epilator, or wax for hair removal.  I’ve tried all of them except for epilator and an electric shaver.  I’ve been on search for a nice epilator but it’s a bit pricey so I said I’ll go for an electric shaver first then I’ll invest on an epilator next.  For now, I got this Keda Ladyshave (Multi-purpose) from Eazy Fashion.

Keda Ladyshave from Eazy Fashion

Keda Ladyshave | P550.00 (retail price) , P499.00 (wholesale price)

Keda Ladyshave can be used either dry or wet.  It’s recharcheable and washable.  You can see further details about the products on the box.  The info is complete and you can really have a glimpse on how to use it.

Keda LadyShave from Eazy Fashion

It comes with these (charger, shaver, and brush) .  There’s also a manual included. *not on the photo*

Keda LadyShave from Eazy Fashion

It comes with this cover for safety.

Keda LadyShave from Eazy Fashion

This is how it looks like when it charges.  Charge it for 8 hours and it can last you up to 6 weeks depending on how often you use it.  IT looks like a voluptuous lady sitting on her throne *laughs*

Disassemble it when you’re cleaning it and don’t forget to turn it off.  Also remember on how you’ll put them back together to avoid messing things up!

Close up look on the blades.

Here, I made a short video review/demo for you guys!  TIA for watching!

I love using this shaver most especially when I’m on a rush but of course, you still have to be really careful so won’t cut your own skin.  It’s faster than manual shaving and waxing.  However, if you have the time, I still recommend you go to a waxing salon as it’s more beneficial for our skin.  I’m still considering of getting an epilator for my underarms and facial hair.


☑  Don’t forget to exfoliate or have some body scrub 2-3x a week to avoid in-grown hairs.

☑  Shave your hair after shower, NOT before because you may end up getting nicks and cuts.

☑  Clean your device every after use for hygienic purposes.


Eazy Fashion Website | Facebook | 0917 757 2999 / (02)5224029

How do you remove unwanted hairs?  What brand of epilator can you recommend?

I’d love to check on your suggestions!