During the discussion with his business partner, Amay tried to straighten up and shift a little on the swivel chair. This slight adjustment gave him a temporary respite from the stabbing pain that flowed down from his hips to his ankles. It was killing him during the meeting. It felt like he was constantly touching an open electrical wire. The current radiated with increasing intensity the more he changed his leg position. He remembered that fateful day after his 30th birthday when he went to the gym for the first time in his life. The doctor informed him that his muscles were too tight to perform high-intensity weightlifting exercises on the first day.
He was burning with pain as his partner asked a question. This ailment was the only thing on his mind during this business meeting. Even for health reasons, he could not cancel the meeting.
Today he no longer had the agility, the alertness, the same approach or the arguments that he had in his good days. He couldn't help it, the doctor informed him that it will take 2-3 months for this to heal completely. So he couldn't wait and continued with this agony and suffering.
Do not read this post further if you accept Amay’s life
Most of us start a business when we take a step towards 30, and diseases, health problems also knock our body at the same time. The time when you need to focus all your energy on work goes into healing yourself. Blaming your helpless situation is not a solution, but I think ignorance about healthy lifestyle and easy access to unhealthy foods play a big role.
If you want to take your business to new heights, then adopt a healthy lifestyle and become a -fitness freak.
Only a healthy mind and body can make wise decisions
There are many books in the market, and also dieticians. Check them carefully.
Some steps that can be helpful for you
1) Don't blindly believe in free advice of your friends. Check whether they are knowledgeable about it or not.
2) Choose your dieticians and books carefully, you cannot bear a wrong choice. It takes a lot of time to recover
3) Adopt only sustainable changes in your diet and lifestyle.
4) Engage in an activity that gives you an adrenaline rush. It can be sports, yoga, running, football, aanythig. It rejuvenates your mind and body.
5) Don't leave your hobby to find more time for your work. Practicing a hobby also relaxes your mind.
6) Try to learn basic meditation exercises like Anulom-Vilom, Bhastrika.
7) Don't believe in cheat days. Adopt something that you can do everyday.
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