…Keep Score

Posted on the 14 May 2013 by Zer @the2women

Pope Francis made headlines again, this past week when he smashed a papal record.

At his first canonization ceremony this past Sunday, Pope Francis left the previous record, held by Pope John Paul II and his 480 canonizations, in the dust.

The rookie pope canonized just over 800 new saints. If that seems a bit excessive, then you should know that 813 of those are lumped into the “Martyrs of Otranto.”

But for those keeping score at home, that gives the first Jesuit pope a huge lead.

Plus it makes for a much more pleasant image of the new Pope than the one he created earlier in the week when he told a group of nuns not to be mothers and not “spinsters,” and to avoid being overly ambitious (more from the Washington Post).

Interesting words coming from a man who now holds the highest office in the Catholic Church.

Maybe it’s better to focus on the hundreds of new saints.
More on the Story: Atlantic Wire

…just for fun: