The world is ablaze with sorrow. Each corner to which I turn reveals misery, fear, desperation, greed, poverty, anger, madness, anguish, and despair. People are being bombed and run out from their homes, others are starving and dying from disease and hunger. In those places where people are seeking relief, others shake in fear and dread, and yell in angry voices that what they have and who they are being taken away and threatened by the ones seeking shelter and hope. Division and more division. In other places people are fomenting antipathy and discord amongst the population by keep them at odds with each other. In my country, for example, there threatens to be mass chaos and social upheaval as young African-American men are being all but hunted by angry mobs of men authorized to "protect and serve" them. Yes, yes, yes. Evil is afoot these days.
I don't put much store by the bible, but from my early life I always remembered talk of the great tribulation, which would precede the war of Armageddon, if I remember correctly. For me, that always meant the test would be could you keep your mind, your sanity, your wits about you, as all around you are losing theirs? Could you keep centered in the eye of the storm of chaos, and find your grounding to stay upright? For after the whirlwind, someone would have to clean up, lead the way, set a new course, begin again.
To my mind, we are being tested just so now.
One thing about living in 3D so-called reality is that we have learned to believe and honor only that which can be sanctioned by our human senses. This is undergirded by institutions, which have been created to guide our thinking, our being, our very souls. And these institutions have guided us along each step of the way. We have marched to the beat of Authority in the name of safety, protection, prosperity, and peace. But these things have been illusions. Just take a look back at history and see the repeated patterns of same through time.
Government and political institutions supposedly guarantee our protection and rights. Educational institutions supposedly give us an advantage by inculcating us with knowledge. Media purportedly reports the story and gives us the real deal. Scientific institutions suggest they have the absolute knowledge and it is based on data, facts, investigation, and objectivity. Religious institutions give us something to both fear and love by sending mixed messages about a creator through a book, which only reveals the personality of a very disturbed deity in one section, and a sacrificial lamb scattering messages of love and hope for an 'afterlife' in a land of milk and honey, with said lamb in the other half. What kind of madness is this?
Being raised as I was for so many years I couldn't see anything but that this was the order of things. This was life-what it meant to be human. It never occurred to me that there was something very, very wrong with the whole picture. I accepted their god, their education, their justice, their truth, and all the system wrought because I was raised to believe that my country, despite everything, was all about democracy and freedom. And that we wanted that for everyone.
From the time I was a child I was raised to believe what I saw and discount what I knew. We all were. It is how this world was designed. But, to quote my Daddy, they "put us in the trick bag." They did a number on us that has us turned against each other, marking color, gender, geographical borders, paths to our creator, and who we are allowed to love, as righteous categories with which to wrangle, and if need be, die. Not many of us stopped to question that maybe the gatekeepers were, in fact, mad, for they wore the faces of normalcy and spoke the words we all wanted to hear. They made us believe we were anything but powerful and dependent on them for our very lives. And that was the ultimate lie.
Now as I watch young African-American men scapegoated and killed in sacrifice to those gods of madness, I, too, am full of sorrow, anger, grief, and despair. It is hard to watch what appears to be a continual effort to kill us, and demolish any spirit of righteousness we still have within our beings. It is painful to watch another mother lose her child needlessly, and have the media (which has always painted our image in the image of evil) suggest that these individuals were guilty for their own trespasses and transgressions, and thus, somehow, the causes of their own deaths, while not being given the benefit of reason, even as young white men in similar or worse circumstances got taken to Burger King.
Another world is not only possible, she is on her way. On a quiet day, I can hear her breathing. ~Arundhati Roy
It is easy for me to focus on what is going on in my country because I worry for young African-American men constantly. But I am also seeing a bigger picture. This is the design. Not only were we Africans not meant to survive but none of us truly is. For the system under which we live, for which many of our young men and women are willing to die in unnecessary wars, is flawed. This world is not as it seems. Behind the scenes are psychopaths who glory in this chaos for they have their own ends in mind. Even as we are led to believe we are in a better world, and are more civilized, more technologized, everything around us suggests the opposite. We are being fed a steady diet of fear, suspicion, uncertainty, and pitted against each other for illusory pieces of a pie that has been rotten so long, it is amazing more of us can't smell it.
Amidst this climate, this backdrop, however, I see hope. I see all that is happening as a last ditch effort to siphon away every last bit of our strength, our personal power, our will, our creativity from us. I see a system dying and a new one struggling to be born. We are in transition. And we will be what we decide to be-individually, and collectively. WE have the power to decide, and in fact, are deciding now. Those evil psychopaths have led us to believe that our only choices are before us now, and that they know best for us. And with the continual bombardment of negativity, hatred, human sacrifice, terror, and confusion, they are being fed heartily.
It is up to us to stay strong a bit longer. It is up to us not to go willingly into the prison they
WE do have the power.
We have to find ways to use it wisely.