Kelo-Cote Review

Posted on the 16 June 2013 by Sparklesandstretchmarks @raine_fairy
As most of my readers will know, I gave birth 12 weeks ago via C-Section.
I have personally found the recovery process to be much smoother and easier than I expected, and really don't have much to complain about...but one major downside to a c-section is of course the scar that you are left with.
I have always hated my stomach anyway, but having this scar right there on my bikini line is really not something I'm a big fan of at all....I know a lot of mothers advocate being proud of your scars and stretchmarks, but personally its not something I can relate to - I love my baby but that does NOT mean I have to love the wounds and marks that came along with him! Its my body - I can dislike it if I want to!!!I was recently asked to trial and review a new product called Kelo-cote®'s, a self-drying silicone gel which is clinically proven to smooth, soften and flatten scars.
Kelo-Cote Review
So how does it work?
Kelo-cote®'s patented silicone scar gel dries within four to five minutes of application forming a breathable, waterproof sheet over the affected area which acts like an extra layer of skin. This invisible silicone sheet binds the outer layer of dead skin cells to protect the underlying tissue against chemical, physical and microbial invasion of the scar. The silicone sheet also provides the optimal healing environment for scars by hydrating and protecting the scar area and allowing collagen production to normalise and improve the appearance of scars.
I ummed and ahhed about sharing a photo of my c-section scar as obviously its something I'm sensitive about, but I decided that for the purpose of this trial - I'll bite the bullet and do it!So here it is - my hideous scar in all its purple, horrid glory!
Kelo-Cote Review
I have only started to use the Kelo-Cote in the last two days, and the recommended period of time for use is a minimum of 60 days (longer for older scars) - so I will continue to use this twice a day as recommended, and will report back with my findings in 60 days time!
Fingers crossed it works! 
A 15g tube of Kelo-cote® gel is priced at £29.99 and is available online at or from selected pharmacies and private clinics.
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