Kendal Street to New Zealand...

Posted on the 04 August 2012 by Bollards Of London @bollardoflondon

Odd looking bollards...

Welcome to Kendal Street W2 where I found two rather unique looking concrete bollards to the right of the building.
The bollard has a circular base and top which is smaller than the base and therefore gives us a tapering body. Although these bollards are unique they are very simple and actually fit in with the 1970's buildings that happen to appear to the north of Kendal Street.
Still hard to believe this is the 277th post (bollard) on this blog/site and I still haven't really wandered beyond the central London boroughs.

Unique looking...

The #guestbollard feature has proved to be an extremely popular feature and has certainly help spread the word/world of street furniture. Recently I was contacted by the author of 'Bollards of Buffalo' an excellent blog/site across the pond. On the twitter @drbarbstweets only recently put up a post on her mighty fine blog/site 'Dull Village Life' where you'll find a recent post about the local bollards.
Today's #guestbollard feature are from Wellington, New Zealand and can be found outside the Town Hall. They were designed by an artist 'Mike Murray' and depict the 'ponga fern' which is called the 'punga peke' which happens to be the Maori word for 'new life'. I'm not an expert on New Zealand culture but the lady who sent me this wonderful picture and so much information about the ornate bollards (below) certainly is. Please do take the chance to have a look at her excellent blog/site 'Giselle's Journal'.

Wellington, New Zealand...

Bollards of London (and New Zealand)...