Diaries Magazine

Kérastase Styling Lift Vertige Review

Posted on the 06 July 2013 by Mummyb @mummyb_kw
Kérastase Styling Lift Vertige Review

Kérastase Styling Lift Vertige -  RRP. £23.00

I was recently sent Kérastase Styling Lift Vertige to review and this week I have been putting it to the test. My first thoughts when I received the product was that the packaging was nice, but when is saw the description "Root-uplifting gel" I did raise my eyebrows as I have never been fond of any gel formula products.Kérastase Styling Lift Vertige ReviewOn closer inspection I read on, it states that it has a heat protecting agent and best to apply to damp hair and then blow dry lifting the roots with a brush. So that morning that's what I did, I then went on to curl my hair. I was amazed with the amount of volume that had been created, it also made the curls more defined with added "oomph". On days where I had decided not to wash my hair, and my hair was still curly from the day before I added a tiny bit of the product to the curls and it brought them back to life, without that horrible stiffness! Kérastase Styling Lift Vertige Review(This was taken at the end of a very hot day the only product used was this product - I'm impressed!)The price?  £23.00 (I have seen it  slightly cheaper) It is a bit on the high side, but you only need a small amount of this product and so it will last a fairly long time. I like how its almost a three in one product,  adds volume near the roots, a heat protectant and adds more definition to curls. I'm a happy girl and think I would purchase once I have run out!What's your one hair product you couldn't live without?Mummy B xoxox

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