…kill Time

Posted on the 06 December 2012 by Zer @the2women

I’m going to need you all to focus for just a minute.  Trust me it’s for your own good.

A recent (as though there’s any other kind) study found that a wandering attention span may cause you to age faster.

Personally I don’t know what they’re talking about…seriously…I was checking my Twitter feed.

But really, who has time to concentrate on one thing at a time anymore? The world no longer allows for it. Multitasking is no longer a useful skill it’s a necessary one.  Those who can’t are left behind or filmed wandering into fountains while checking their email on their smartphone.

On the same point, knowing your limits can be just as beneficial I suppose.  Yes, being able to send 3 emails, check your teams’ scores, watch your favorite show, compose your novel, and  chew gum at the same time is impressive, but is it worth it?

Perhaps it’s stress and not the lack of an attention span that’s aging the wandering minds of the world. But who has time to consider that? Either way, it won’t bother any one for too long…Twitter is calling…


NBC News: Your Wandering Mind is Aging You

…bi-daily smile…

Something to focus on for a few minutes…it’s good for you