Self Expression Magazine

Kilver Court Wedding, Somerset: Preview Images

Posted on the 28 July 2016 by Belinda Mccarthy @b_mccarthyphoto

I"m thrilled to bring you just a few preview images from this gorgeous, summery, fabulous Kilver Court wedding in Shepton Mallet, Somerset! I photographed this wedding day last weekend, and the sun shone and shone and shone.... and the bride looked stupendously beautiful and poised (something us photographers don't do much of!)

I've been keen to photograph a Kilver Court wedding for a long time, as the gardens there are just so truly beautiful. If you've ever driven past Kilver Cour t, but haven't been in, you'll never guess what lies behind that rather misleading frontage. Step through the doors into the gardens at the rear and you're absolutely transported into a wonder of delights. It's called 'the Secret Garden' and I can honestly not think of a place where this name is more suited!

The bride and groom were married in the hugely romantic dovecote, overlooking the lake, gardens, picturesque viaduct and the miniature island, populated with flamingoes. Yes, you heard me right. Flamingoes! In Somerset! Who would have thought it! Anyway - like I said, it's a whole world of surprises at Kilver Court. But, back to the point, and what a beautiful place to get married... and after the ceremony, they were showered in confetti as they walked back across the lake (via the bridge, obviously. I know love gives you wings, but even so, sometimes you still have to walk!)

What a fabulous couple to photograph, who were just delighted with everything on their wedding day... and had even travelled from Texas to get married back in the groom's home county. The bride hails from Australia originally, so it was another truly international wedding. I do have the pleasure of photographing a lot of these kind of weddings and it's always so wonderful to see how many family and friends put themselves out to travel so far to celebrate such an important event.

So, on to the preview images... I do hope you like them. Enjoy 🙂

Kilver Court Wedding : Preview Images

Click on any of the images below to open a lightbox , to quickly scroll through the photographs. Easy!

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