Kind of Perky

Posted on the 23 May 2015 by Katherine Anne Cutar @katherineannika
Got a lil perky on our meet-up with them kawaii girls on a Sunday afternoon. It was one hot afternoon but good thing there weren't much people so we had a chance to snap our ootds.Would like to thank Vanessa for taking these photos since Ram just couldn't because the meet-up was exclusive to us.Some BTS with Angelique who also took photos of me with her Fujifilm camera which I'm quite jealous with haha.Here are her shots. They're kind of have a low quality because I only asked them through FB chat. It'll be a hassle for Angelique if I asked her to send them through email so maybe let's just stick with that.
If you wanna know the errands I had on that afternoon, then click this. Thanks to OOTD Trenshop for the special discount of this pair of overalls. I really like them!
Overalls - OOTD Trenshop | Birks - Fab Grabs 101