Self Expression Magazine

Klara Celebrates Her First Birthday!

Posted on the 08 September 2012 by Dietdoctor @DietDoctor1

Klara Celebrates Her First Birthday!

Yesterday our charming Klara had her first birthday and celebrated in her new ball pool, slightly bruised from having climbed everything and from learning to walk a bit.

A lot of people ask me what she eats. The simple answer is that she sits at the kitchen table with us and eats the same food. However she gets a bit more slow carbs (e.g. more fruit and some more root vegetables, potatoes and berries). A very liberal LCHF diet. Also she still breast feeds once in a while.

Without much planning the entire year has passed without a single can of baby food, or any of the grain-based gruel or porridge that are popular in Sweden. In fact she has hardly eaten anything with flour in it.

In Sweden we get insistent advice to feed babies industrial porridge with added iron. We ignored that, seemingly without any negative effects. Klara gets her iron from real food like meat and vegetables. Personally I wonder if porridge with added iron could result in constipation. That is the most common side effect of iron supplementation to adults.

So how is Klara developing after a low carb pregnancy and one year without processed sugar and almost completely without grains? Just fine. She just learned to walk and she’s been talking a bit since she was 8-9 months old. Now she says quite a few words. She’s way above average in both weight and height. And she’s full of energy and almost always happy (something that’s frequently commented on by other parents).

Yes, I’m a proud dad.

Klara Celebrates Her First Birthday!

There was no cake baked on flour at her first birthday. But Klara seemed completely satisfied with a fruit salad and real whipped cream.

What do you think about a liberal LCHF diet for kids?

PS: The only supplement she gets apart from good food is vitamin D, every single day. About twice the recommended dose, 800 – 1000 units per day.

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