…Know Things Now

Posted on the 03 August 2014 by Zer @the2women

Fellow nerds, it was another busy week. After all the excitement of Comic-Con, we got hit with another round of teaser trailers, casting announcements, and some events of note.

In case you were stuck in a hole, or otherwise preoccupied, we thought we’d give a quick recap of the highlights from this past week.

To kick things off, we’ll start with the punch heard round the world.  Orlando Bloom gained millions of new fans this week when he took a swing at Justin Bieber (and missed).  To all the Justin Bieber fans still in an uproar over the incident, all we have to say is, someone had to do it, might as well be Legolas.

It’s hard to top that, but the long-awaited (and much stressed out over) “Into the Woods” teaser trailer hit the inter-webs this week and most of us were absolutely thrilled and momentarily relieved. Yes, there’s still plenty for Disney to screw up, but we’ll always have this trailer.

To the very vocal minority who are questioning the lack of singing—how could you even care or notice with those gorgeous orchestrations happening in the background? And to whoever wrote this Mashable headline:

First ‘Into the Woods’ Trailer Brings Magic, But No Music

Someone needs to explain the difference between music and singing to you, because this music is nothing short of magic:

Finally, this week brought us the casting of the title role in NBC’s forthcoming “Peter Pan Live.” NBC kept it in the family, casting Allison Williams (daughter of Brian Williams) as the boy who won’t grow up. Say what you will about the casting choice (although we’re pretty excited about it), you can’t deny that this announcement is adorable:


…just for fun:

Oh, and this happened this week, too: