Self Expression Magazine

Kraziness in Love Letters

Posted on the 30 May 2014 by Sravankumar Sripadi @sravan4you
Kraziness in love letters

When was the last time you seen somebody writing an honest hand-written love letter on this day, or any other for that matter? Writing desks and letter writing conjure up romantic images of antique desks often set by a window for better light and for day dreaming. I think writing desks went out of style for a while because of the hugeness of computers. But now that laptops and tablets are so tiny, the little writing desk can be used again. Of course, they were never too small for plain old pen and paper...Almost everybody has forgotten to take time and make love letters. They seem so old fashioned and overrated. Today, we have relied our means of communication solely to new technology such as email, SMS, cell phones and video phones. Sure, life has become easier. But when it comes to expressing our love, a little extra effort will bring us a long way. Besides, there is no boundary when it comes to conveying our emotions. It doesn't matter if it's too elaborate or simple, the important thing is, we take time to remind our loved ones how much they mean to us. Written letters, and they are an unique original. A printed email is always just a copy, and even the original never left the territory of the writer, as it is saved on the email server in the writers account. So you feel like a second-class recipient. Letter is a physical object that contains thoughts, emotion in itself, not just the content of the letter. A Love Letter is a way to tug at the heartstrings of someone who really mean it; love letters are like an amazing special bonding agent that helps hold a relationship strongly together. They form an unforgettable connection between the two lovers. It's cheap and easy to do, not to mention that it still gives women that certain twinge of excitement. Writing love letters is simple, not to mention, more natural and unlimited. You can go to long lengths to your heart's content, or just a few words are enough. Nonetheless, love letters will always be.If you love writing, you may pick special scented or patterned paper for your love letters, but it really doesn’t matter what the letters are written on. It is the words and the incredible feelings behind those words that are what is really important. Some people actually write back and forth to each other in a lovely blank book, taking turns expressing their love for each other. They may put the book under their partner’s pillow or dinner plate once they have written in it. Some save this for only special days like anniversaries or holidays. But, why wait? This can become a beautiful tradition with letters being written whenever the whim strikes.Come on buddies tell someone you like them, remind them that they make you happy or just simply let them know you love them --- being thoughtful and sensitive is a strength, and sending love letters to your special someone will not only fortify your bond, it adds spice to your love life. Remember: keep it short, simple but make sure it comes the heart. Go ahead and be cheesy, there really is no rule. Express the love. Make it know. Send those love letters now.Kraziness in love letters
Even one letter will stack up to a nice helping of permanently recorded love where the handwriting is the visible smile J

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