La Femme Fatale

Posted on the 11 November 2012 by Petronela Ungureanu @unikornaa

I have a high regard for femmes fatales considering how much effort they invest into becoming one, and how much even more work they put into staying that way. The femme fatale is not a pretty bimbo with big breasts and a lot of nerve. The real ones are actually rather smart than beautiful, but they have the brains, the talent and the sex appeal to bring together all these advantages and use use them as a weapon.
A weapon to seduce men or audiences or ...the world...Famme fatales can easily conquer showbiz, media or politics (Evita Peron or Cleopatra), or even, to successfully mix them all (Marilyn Monroe). In my attempt to surprise the perfect femme fatale attitude, I've discovered these images, that are called cinemagraphs (a combination between still photos and minor animation). The technique was named and promoted by Kevin Burg and Jamie Berg. I've discovered that I am in love with cinemagraphs. I find them surprising and intriguing to watch.