Lack of Jobs but Still Viewed as a Slacker

Posted on the 10 May 2013 by Sameuniqueness

Forbes magazine had an interesting article this year called Why Your Kid Can't Get a Job stated that one out of every two people between the ages of 18 to 32 in the year 2013 are either unemployed or underemployed (meaning they were working jobs below their skill sets, part time, or some working arrangement that is less than what the person desired).  It further goes on to report that the Department of Labor state that there are millions in this age group that work in jobs that do not require the degrees they earned in college.
Many who grew up in this age group were told from kindergarten they could be whatever it is they wanted to be-- as long as what they wanted to be was a doctor, a lawyer, the President of the United States, or an astronaut.  Well, how about not everyone is meant to be doctors, lawyers, and the President of the U.S.? How about doing what makes one happy while contributing to country or to the work? How about as long as the bills get paid, there's money in the bank account, and student loans are actually paid instead of going into default while not living with the parents, one can already call themselves pretty successful in this day and age?
The U.S. has made it impossible for the next generation to seize adulthood. With the bubble bursting in 2008, all the parents that would have retired cannot do that because they need to continue working in order to support themselves (and payoff those lines of credit and equity lines they used for vacations).  But since they continue to work, there is no way for anyone else who have a job to advance because management cannot afford to leave their senior positions. Then, for those who are trying to start their careers, they cannot even get entry level positions because of the stagnation of advancement within companies.
Also, degrees mean nothing these days. Usually the most brilliant mind is not the student who graduated with the highest GPA or went to the Ivy League schools. Although those efforts are impressive, usually the most creative, innovative person are usually not these kind of people. Employers need to start taking chances on people again. Many of us have grandparents who have said their first job really took a chance on them, allowed them to "get their foot in the door", and their career skyrocketed from there. Skills somethings can only be measured by performance and not a grade.
The next generation are not all slackers. There is only so much one can do to be innovative, successful, and financially sound at Wal-Mart, McDonalds, and Olive Garden (the only places that seem to want to hire this age group).  The corporations say they want to create a better and brighter future to provide much success for many years to come? Well, prove it by hiring your future and let them get their "foots in the door" so we can get back to healthier economy.
As for the younger generation, keep hope, keep applying; and if no one will take you-- make your own way! Start your own business; and do not do to the next generation what is being done to you right now.