Diaries Magazine

Lady Gah-ga…what?????????

Posted on the 19 July 2011 by Redneckprincess @RdNeckPrincess

I wanna say I get it. But I just don’t.

I mean, yes. She is a performer, she is controversial, she is a freak…all things that I totally appreciate.


She can sing.

But the whole package together just totally overwhelms my senses. I just want to run away screaming.

I am sure that what it comes down to in the end, is that I am getting old, and she is a younger generation thing.

Right? It’s me isn’t it?

I mean I have never really seen her talk when she didn’t seem like she wasn’t sort of in her own little universe. I am sure it is lovely there, really…

Lady Gah-ga…what?????????I am sure the horns are sexy there…and of course they have always been there waiting for the right time for you to reveal them to the Universe and show us who you really are…

how silly of us to question that…

it also may explain your being hatched on the Grammy’s.

That actually explains alot.

So as amused as I am by the occasional tidbit of information about your newest antics…

I won’t be following you on twitter…

or facebook.

I hope you don’t blog, but I imagine if you do I would probably check it out, just because there is sort of the same element as a car crash, you don’t want to watch it, you really don’t, but you can’t look away. You know, until you are sure that everyone has survived and is ok…

I have already in the 5 times I have ever watched you on anything, seen too much of your nearly always naked body.

Not that there is anything wrong with that.

You just aren’t hot like Keith Urban…

Lady Gah-ga…what?????????

So I lose interest.

And unfortunately I have never seen him with his shirt off, never mind half naked and flailing around.

Well we could probably assume that he DOESN’T flail ok?

He is just totally fucking adorable in every way.

On that note, I am going to just end this little rant. I want to make a disclaimer to all out there that love Lady Gaga, I am in no way slamming her, I am just stating the fact that I don’t get it.

If you are one of the many that does, drop me a line, try and fill me in on what exactly it is that I am missing here ok? I am always up for some enlightenment.

Maybe there is more to hatching and horns than I am seeing, I might just not have the whole picture…

Lady Gah-ga…what?????????

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