Lamb Cupcakes

Posted on the 05 April 2012 by Msadams @HilaryFerrell

When I left you yesterday, I had just finished baking my vegan chocolate cupcakes and mixing my cream cheese Cool Whip icing.   Today, I’m going to show you how you can use these cupcakes and icing to make the cool Lamb cupcakes you see above. 

In addition to the cupcakes and icing, you will need the following supplies: brown colored M&Ms or Hershey drops, mini marshmallows, large marshmallows, chocolate licorice, and pink decorating sugar.
You will be using the M&Ms and decorating sugar as is but the marshmallows and licorice need to be prepared.
The mini marshmallows should be cut in half horizontally.  The large marshmallows should be cut in half horizontally, then vertically, then cut diagonally. 
For the licorice, you want to take one piece of licorice and cut it horizontally into quarter inch segments. 
At this point, you probably also want to pour out some of your pink decorating sugar onto a plate so you can easily dip your marshmallows.
Now that your ingredients are all prepped it’s time to decorate.

First, you want to use an offset spatula to put a thin layer of icing on your cupcake. 

Then, take 2 of your M&Ms (or Hershey Drops, in my case) and place them in the center of your cupcake about 1/3 of the way down from the top.

Next, place your licorice slice in the center of your cupcake below the M&Ms.  
Now, take the cut side of your sliced large marshmallow and dip it into the pink decorating sugar.  It’s important to use the sliced side so that the sugar will stick.

Then, place your marshmallow ears at the edge of the cupcake in line with your M&M eyes. 
Now, use your mini marshmallows to make concentric circles around the edges of the cupcake until the empty space is covered.
And viola!  You have yourself a lamb cupcake.
To gussy my cupcakes up even more, I decided to display them on a bed of “grass.”  The grass was coconut flakes dyed with green food coloring.  You simply place the coconut flakes in a Ziploc bag, add a few drops of food coloring, close the top, and then massage the coloring around until it’s evenly distributed. 
Now, you’ve got your own herd of lambs.  

I used these cupcakes for an Easter Egg Hunt but they would also be perfect for an Easter dinner or a Spring party. 

Gathering from the kids’ reactions, I think they really enjoyed these cupcakes.  But let’s be honest, they enjoy anything that involves sugar. 

What special treats are you making for Easter this year?