Last week, I took the little B's on a hike up the hill behind our house - we are blessed to be able to walk on this private road, and I've taken them with me a few times since school started, letting them pick blackberries along the way. It is a strenuous hike, because it is pretty steep, but we always have a good time. This particular time, I remembered to bring my camera along, and I'm so glad I did! When the rain comes, it is hard to remember how the sunshine ever looked... Thank goodness I have these reminders!
Right off the bat, we found a furry caterpillar.
Halfway there, at the "switchback."
Of COURSE Brailey was fascinated with the beautiful leaves, and she had to gather them all up and make a lovely bouquet. She was thrilled with all these gorgeous, big leaves!
Halfway back down...
The idea here was for me to take a picture so it looked like they were climbing the branches of this tree. Can you see it? They are so creative!
On the way up, they put the caterpillar in this little bunch of grass. Now, on the return trip, they are trying to see if they can find him. Sadly, he was gone!
You probably can't see him with all the camo, right? I love the sun sparkling on the leaves in the background. And that charming face... It was great walk I will always remember with my beautiful baby B's!