Before I go any further, I just want to give you a heads up that it's been a bit of a month and an exceptionally long week and weekend. Basically, I'm feeling a bit sentimental right now. So, bear with me.
I know there's a lot to be pessimistic about in the world right now. Some of our leaders are, well...not leaders. In some ways, we appear to be going backward. But after this month and this week (in particular), I'm feeling incredibly hopeful.
Here's the thing, change doesn't happen overnight. That goes for the good and the bad. It happens slowly and through small acts. And when I look around, most small acts I see are the good kind done without fear or judgment.
Most of you ( I like to think) do these things every day without even thinking about it. You don't worry about the political leanings of the person who you're holding the door for. You don't stop to pass judgment on who they may love before helping a stranger.
On a more personal level, these little things are what got me through this week with my sanity intact (mostly). People holding doors. Strangers offering their assistance. New neighbors extending an invitation. Old neighbors reaching out. So many puppies...whose presence and unconditional love is always appreciated.
It's this foundation of kindness and love that gives me hope. We'll never be perfect. We'll never move forward in a consistent, straight line. We'll make some wrong turns. We'll go too far. We won't go far enough. We'll make mistakes. But if we proceed with love and kindness we'll get where we need to be.
Anyways, that's my two cents. Happy Pride to all. Before I go, a friendly reminder to the LGBT allies celebrating their LGBT brothers and sisters today, you're there to be supportive...please don't make the rest of us look bad. Most importantly...Have fun. Be safe. Be kind.
...just for fun: