Lays Potato Chips Are Officially Gluten Free!

Posted on the 22 May 2012 by Bewilderedbug @bewilderedbug

Do you get salty cravings or sweet cravings?

Usually I’m a sweet craver – I love chocolate and sweets – One of my absolute favorite things is a good custard….or even more favorite is creme brulee with the sweet, crunchy topping that I have to break through to get creamy goodness inside….that’s one of the reasons I wished I was not dairy-free :(   Ah well.

I do get the occasional salty craving, though, and usually it’s for potato chips.  As someone who is gluten free, I have to say thought that I was scared at one point to try these things, for fear of being “glutenated”.  I didn’t know about the gluten free certification on products until years into my gluten-free lifestyle.

Lays potato chips are officially gluten free!

Look at all the options!!! :D

That’s why I’m happy to announce to you that many of the Lays Potato Chips flavours, Canada’s favorite potato chip brand, have now officially been certified as gluten-free by the Canadian Celiac Association (CCA) (for more information please visit the Lay’s website), just in time for barbecue season!  They have always been gluten-free – therefore no ingredient changes have occurred – but now they have official endorsement through the CCA’s gluten-free certification program as gluten-free products.

Lay’s is a PepsiCo brand, so kudos to PepsiCo for paying attention to the needs of us gluten-free consumers!  For a list of all gluten free PepsiCo products available in the Canadian market, please feel free to visit their website as well (there are quite a few actually – cheers to safe snacking!!).  And if you’ve just become gluten-free, whether you are gluten-intolerant or celiac, please feel free to pass by the Canadian Celiac Association’s website for some advice, assistance and much needed support.

The availability of so many gluten-free snacks from PepsiCo, especially the Lay’s potato chips, is really good news for me!  Or bad as the case may be – because I’ve been living off of Lays potato chips for the last week and a half…..and I have many more bags here in wait for me….to the point where I started giving away bags just so that my waistline does not expand to three times its current size!

The sample bags of chips I got are SO good – really, really tasty in a slightly addictive way that amazing potato chips are.  And the fact that I haven’t had them in so long, just made my greediness for the flavours even worse.  The salty goodness is so tempting when I’m not having them and so good when I am!  Yes, I have an addictive nature, just in case you haven’t noticed!

Some of the gluten-free flavours that I’ve received are: Lay’s Original, Lay’s Original Wavy, Lay’s Lightly Salted, Lay’s Sour Cream and Cheddar (not dairy free), Lay’s Salt and Vinegar, Lay’s Dill Pickle and Lay’s Ketchup.  As always, with any food allergies, when purchasing these products, always check the labels!  The products are very readily available in all major Canadian retailers at the suggested standard price of $2.99 for a 200g bag or $3.49 for a 270 g bag of salty, potato-ey goodness!

What are you waiting for?  Go get your snack on *lol*  I certainly have!

Happy snacking!