I have not written my blog for a long time since nothing has happened.

Mum went to England and now she has come back and they have put the pool out in the dog park. I went in up to my ankles, as you can see.

Then I shook my face and my cheeks flapped.

Here is Clyde with his tongue out looking merry.

This is a new puppy called Gus who looks like Skippy the dog that was in my family before me that they talk about a lot. He died when he was very old.
This is Goliath with his tongue out a bit...
and a bit more.
Benny and Jannsy have their mouths shut which is a good thing.
I do not know if you have ever seen an Irish wolf hound. If you have not, now you can see it.
One day, just after I got my hair cut, we went shopping to a special butcher's.
Me and Knutty had to wait outside.
I was sent some shampoo and conditioner* in the mail. It smells really good. It is lucky that I am the sort of dog that likes water. I do not know if I am interested in being clean or not.
I am sorry I have not written for such a long time.
* Earthbath Shed Control Shampoo and Conditioner Green Tea and Awapuhi.Smells good enough for humans and is totally natural. Buster and I thank you very much!