Lazy Blogger Says Hi!

Posted on the 05 June 2015 by Elizabethwix

I have not written my blog for a long time since nothing has happened.
Lazy Blogger Says Hi!
Mum went to England and now she has come back and they have put the pool out in the dog park. I went in up to my ankles, as you can see.
Lazy Blogger Says Hi!
Then I shook my face and my cheeks flapped.
Lazy Blogger Says Hi!
Here is Clyde with his tongue out looking merry.
Lazy Blogger Says Hi!
This is a new puppy called Gus who looks like Skippy the dog that was in my family before me that they talk about a lot. He died when he was very old.

This is Goliath with his tongue out a bit...

and a bit more.

 Benny and Jannsy have their mouths shut which is a good thing. 

I do not know if you have ever seen an Irish wolf hound. If you have not, now you can see it.

One day, just after I got my hair cut, we went shopping to a special butcher's.

Me and Knutty had to wait outside.

I was sent some shampoo and conditioner* in the mail. It smells really good. It is lucky that I am the sort of dog that likes water. I do not know if I am interested in being clean or not.
I am sorry I have not written for such a long time.
* Earthbath Shed Control Shampoo and Conditioner Green Tea and Awapuhi.Smells good enough for humans and is totally natural. Buster and I thank you very much!