Diaries Magazine

Leads on to Good Fortune?

Posted on the 15 April 2024 by C. Suresh

When it comes to destiny, people have all sorts of beliefs. Some believe that there is no such thing and everything that comes to you comes because of your own efforts. Others believe that you get only what you are destined to get and, thus, there is no point in your exerting yourself. Most of us, though, tend to shelve our belief in destiny for the once-in-a-lifetime type of things - a great spouse, ending up rich and famous etc. - but, on then day-to-day affairs you tend to place your belief in your efforts. Except, of course, to blame destiny when you fail to get that promotion or that bonus or...well, stuff like that.

But, Tiru...now, HE has his own take on destiny that does not vibe with that of mango people.

Aakoozhaal thondrum asaivinmai kaipporul pokoozhaal thyondrum madi - Tirukkural

The destiny to acquire wealth brings the power for untiring efforts; the destiny to lose wealth brings laziness - Loose Translation

Now THAT is a new twist on the tale. You cannot rest easy in the belief that your destiny will bring you success. According to Tiru, as long as you are inclined to rest easy, your destiny is to LOSE wealth and NOT to gain it. The moment your destiny changes to one of bringing you wealth, you shall spring and dash about hither and yon in the pursuit of wealth. So, there.

And, of course, you cannot say that there is no destiny, ONLY your effort. By Tiru's dictum, the very fact you are putting in efforts or not putting in efforts IS the working of destiny. When I used to think of this 'only my effort' school of thought, I was more put off it by the fact that, quite often, there are circumstances that mess you up...like, say, you invest your all in a travel start-up and Covid strikes within the month...things like that. Never in my wildest dreams did I ever consider the idea that my inclination to effort itself can be laid at the feet of destiny!

But, then, that IS also, in a way, one of those circumstances, isn't it? That you feel down in the dumps at times, upbeat at others. That if there is no positive feedback, someone to pick you up when you hit an emotional low, you could well stop dreaming and go looking for a stable mundane life? So, yeah, Tiru is not really positing something airy-fairy.

Me? Oh well, you see, I am lazing around because what can I do? My destiny has made me that way!

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