Self Expression Magazine

Learn Something New

Posted on the 26 July 2012 by Accordingtoamber @sgwennu
Learn Something NewAbout me that is!
Yes - that is me. On a rock. Don't I look cool?
The lovely Dina left a comment on a post recently, tagging me for a Liebster Award! I don't think I've actually done one of these before where I've answered set questions but her's were really brilliant -so I can't say no. 
So, thank you Dina for nominating me, and here are your answers!

1. What is/are (they could be the same thing or different things) the: craziest, bravest, most daring thing you have ever done? 
This is hard. I don't feel that I've ever done anything all that daring to be quite honest, although I suppose when I was 18 I up and moved out of home to a town I'd visited approximately twice in my life, and where I knew no one - just for the fresh start. Looking back I guess that was pretty crazy!

2. How did you start blogging and what are your goals from it? 
I started blogging because I wanted to be part of something. The first three blogs I discovered first on the internet were First Three Chapters, Charade and Yes and Yes, and I felt I had more in common with the writers of those blogs than the people I had around me in real life. Having my own blog back then made me feel like a member of those awesome club with all these cool, amazing women in it. 

My goals from blogging, is actually something I'm intending to blog about in more detail next week! The simplest way to some it up I suppose is to feel that I'm speaking to somebody, rather than being a whisper in the huge crowded room that it the internet. In a way, I've actually already achieved that! Which is amazing.

3. Do you have any nicknames or "alternate" names? If so, what are they? 
My best friend Peter frequently calls me Bambi, but I don't think that's a nickname he reserves for me - so I'm not sure that counts. I'm also been called Ambrosia, El Amberino and Petal to name a few!

4. If you could take back one moment from your life and re-do it, would you do it? What would it be? 
I can think of the exact moment, but it's not something I'd share with the internet I'm afraid. At least not yet anyway. Sorry!

5. Have you ever experienced a "eureka!" "aha!" or a sense of closure at least that was fulfilling? What did you learn from it? 
Yes! Definitely. The first one was me discovering what I really wanted to do as a career and with my University degree. I'd had no idea for a long time and kept changing my mind between being a Theatre Designer to a Primary School Teacher and everything inbetween. Stumbling across my dream job was certainly an 'Aha!' moment.
The second was accepting that mistakes are good life experience rather than actual mistakes. This I apply to past relationships more than anything else. It certainly numbs the heartache.

6. Do you have crushes on literary characters or characters in films? If so, list 2 and explain why you like them. 
Sirius Black - the literary version. I have a thing for the 'bad boys' of the world, and I just know I would have been one of those girls in Hogwarts chasing after Sirius. How shameful.
Sayeed from Lost. Similar reasoning, he's also just gorgeous and kind and wise along with having a shady past. I like my men to be interesting, and the good ones seldom are.

7. Would you change your name? If so, what would you like to be called? 
I used to desperately want to change my name, but I'm growing to like it now! I used to want to be called Kaede, or Arianna.

8. If someone were to write your memoir, what would you like readers to take away from your story? 
Ooh, good question! I'd like it if people could take away the knowledge that mistakes don't always matter in the long run, it's your determination and steadfastness that does. Also that people come and go from our lives for a reason, and that we shouldn't have any regrets. 

9. Have you ever misinterpreted or misheard the lyrics of a song before? If so, what were the lyrics and what did you think they were? 
Counting Crows - Big Yellow Taxi. I could never understand what he was saying in the line "They paved paradise and put up a parking lot." I thought they were saying something like "They paid paradise to put up a f** in love." I have no idea  how I got that out of it, but that's what I thought he was saying!

Also, Bon Jovi - Living on a Prayer, I thought it was "It doesn't make a difference if we're naked or not."  There you are, some insight into how filthy my mind is right there! Embrassing...

10. List your favorite bands from your teen years.  

Oh my gosh! S Club 7 for sure! I cried when they broke up. Later teens it was The Veronicas and The All-American Rejects. I still like The AAR though...

11. If you were to be defined by an EP of five songs, what would they be? 
I dread to think! Hah! I'd like to think that these would be on the shortlist however.

I feel that this blog post in long enough as it is, so I shall add my nominations to the Weekly Musing tomorrow!Learn Something New

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