Since starting our home ed journey, we've been looking out for opportunities to broaden the boys educations beyond the usual core subjects of English, reading, maths and science - and one of the first things I added to our list of things to learn about was music.
I've always been a firm believer that music is something we should focus more attention on when it comes to education. It has so many benefits - whether it's learning to appreciate music and the joy it can bring into your life (I mean, who doesn't find their mood lifted by a really good song?! Music has such power when it comes to our emotional experiences), discovering the classics of years gone by or actually learning to play an instrument yourself - I believe there's a lot to be said for introducing a love of music to children early on.
I personally don't play any instruments which is something I am forever intending to change - I would LOVE to be able to learn the piano, and it's something I do intend to do, but once you're grown up it becomes harder to find the time to dedicate to these sorts of pursuits. You have bills to pay, jobs to do, children to raise...and your free time for hobbies and interests becomes rare.
And for that reason, it's always been my intention to give my children the chance to learn an instrument or two while they're young.
A few weeks ago, we were introduced to a brand new site giving children the chance to discover and learn about music from the comfort of their own homes.
My Music Starts Here is a website which gives your child the opportunity to learn and understand the foundations of music through a series of fun and informative videos.
There are over 100 videos to help your children get to grips with learning all about music - from exploring rhythm and finding the steady beat, to learning solfege (that's the "Do re mi's" incase you were wondering!) and taking their first steps into playing music, right up to composing!
My Music Starts Here provides complete foundational music lessons which your child can watch and re-watch as they please - giving them the opportunity to learn at their own pace.

The videos feature musical experts Mary and Mike Anderson who also happen to be parents too - with over 12 years experience as music and piano teachers themselves, their pace and tone is perfect for speaking to children, providing enough fun to keep the children entertained and engaged but still keeping things educational too.
You can see some examples of the videos on their website HERE.
Mary & Mike created the site after trying, and failing, to find any high quality musical education resources for their own children with the aim of encouraging children to learn and explore, develop an interest in music and learn to sing and play themselves.
Some of the playlists on their site are dedicated to helping the child to learn one particular song, whereas others are more focused around musical concepts and understanding.
My children, aged between 2 and almost 5, have been working their way through the My Music Starts Here playlists over the last few weeks and I have been pleasantly surprised by how much they're enjoying it.
I have to admit, my 5 year old is at a stage where he finds the idea of using his iPad for anything other than playing Minecraft insulting...but he took a liking to Mary & Mike straight away, and has now started to ask each day whether it's time for his "music lessons" yet!
Their favorite playlists so far have been Finding The Steady Beat which helps children to listen for and understand the beat of the music, and High Sounds & Low Sounds - they've also loved listening to some classical music that Mike recommends in the playlists, Carnival Of The Animals by Camille Saint-Saens has become a regular on my iPhone playlist as the boys adore listening for the "roar" in March Of The Lions!
I've loved seeing their interest in music grow over the last few weeks, they really have become little musicians and music lovers!

The boys don't yet have their own piano, but after seeing their interest in music develop since starting these lessons...we've now ordered a keyboard for them to learn on and I'm so excited to see how My Music Starts Here helps them to progress.
My Music Starts Here is, in my opinion, a bargain at just $20 per month (Around £14) - you can even sign up for a free months trial to see if its for you. Considering the fact that we were quoted £20 for a single piano lesson, I think this is a fantastic price.
To find out more or sign up for a free trial, just go to www.mymusicstartshere.com
*With thanks to My Music Starts Here for collaborating with us on this post, all words and thoughts are my own
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