Learning Teaches Humility

Posted on the 06 July 2015 by C. Suresh
Vidhya dadati vinayam - Hitopadesa
Loose translation: Learning bestows humility
Huh! This is truly one for the books. What would be the point in putting in all those hours of work into learning something if you cannot even lord it over others who do not know as much as you do? Imagine being a doctor and not being able to say, "Am I the doctor or are you?" If you had to be humble, you might as well have remained ignorant.
Oh! So you were talking about the fact that the need to be arrogant would be lesser? That if I were learned, then people would automatically look up to me and I would not have to keep telling them how superior I am? So, when I speak to them, I could appear humble and still get respect without having to coerce respect from them by throwing my weight around? If that is what you meant, I am fine by it. I am not all that insecure a person that I would doubt getting respect and would preemptively throw my weight around to ensure that I get it.  Though, if someone fails to give respect...
What??? That was not all that you meant? So, exactly what did you mean? Learning would open my eyes out to what is known, what is believed, what is assumed, what applies subject to certain conditions and what those conditions are and all that? That, knowing all this, I would not be assured of the fact that I am always right and would have the humility to listen and learn from other people? Rot! Your idea of learning seems to consist more of getting to know what you do not know than of getting to know things. Yeah, I know, I know, you will mouth off about "Knowing that you do not know is the first step to wisdom" and all that. Nonsense, I tell you. If that is your idea of learning, then you are a fool. I certainly do not agree and, what is more, almost the entire educational system of the world supports me - so there!
You really rise from height to height, do you not? Learning would expose me to the ocean of knowledge that is out there and would teach me that I had but drunk a drop or two of it? That it would make me feel that having drunk a drop more than the next guy would not feel like such a huge achievement that I would feel pride? Which is how Learning will teach me Humility? THAT shows how little you know about Human Nature. Who is going to bother comparing himself with this ocean of knowledge? I will only compare with the next guy and find that I have drunk double the drops that he has. Of course, it is a matter of great pride!
WHAT??? As long as I continue to feel like that I cannot consider myself wise? That Learning does not merely mean knowing things but to develop my personality, my character - to acquire wisdom? You...ah, why do I bother? You are incorrigible!
P.S: A response to a 3-quote challenge, tagged by Rachna