
Posted on the 28 July 2013 by Gopalakrishnan K @gopalmadhav
 July 20, 1973 a Dragon spirited away from its earthly possession. Six days later the Dragon’s spirit recorded in the Celluloid hits the theatres and brings changes in Hollywood en masse. It was none other than the movie named, “Enter the Dragon” marking the entrance of the dragon named Bruce lee into the mainstream Hollywood. Sadly that was also the final film for the legend. It’s been forty years and still the movie is fresh and mostly it is inevitable to differentiate the movie from the legend named Bruce Lee. Although it is his last film, my first film of Lee. Warner brothers showcased the movie today in WB channel and I am not sure why they haven’t broadcasted it yesterday marking the 40thanniversary (if so I am not aware of it).
Everybody knows the movie, its cultural impact and how it changed the further movies. Everyone knows well even how the people tried to occupy the space left by the Dragon by adding Lee to their names. But even today the space is still void not because no other talents nurtured but because all the nurtured talents are unable to surpass the legend. Beyond that the nurtured talents worshipped the legend named Lee, the only Dragon. The movie had many attractions other than Lee to pull the audience and of course it was an American film. This film transcended the boundaries and ran house full in every place it screened. The movie created a change in the viewer’s perspective on the philosophy of martial arts. It is the movie which defined the differentiation between Martial Art and a stunt. Although the movie had many things incorporated the only thing that first comes to our mind is Bruce Lee as I mentioned earlier. He redefined action genre in the movie, he showcased the actor and emotional content can be incorporated in Chinese Martial art. He showcased the cultural heritage of the Chinese Martial arts better than any and opened the gate way which is still crowded. The legend of the movie and the Dragon himself is still fresh. You might not able to see a movie which you liked it due to the lead for more than 10 years, but Bruce Lee has made it possible even after 40 years. Even now a martial art starts from the Lee inspiration and people forgot the actor who had the wonderful screen presence and controlled the movie and gave us a treat. We all remember the topless Bruce Lee with blood marks in torso and face. The blood licking scene is still copied/inspired in many films (or given as a tribute to LEE). It’s the Bruce Lee factor that holds tight with martial arts. Explaining the personality and the movie both in same post is a difficult job for me and my focus is scattered all over. The resultant post may not convey the message I intend but I am sure it conveys my respect and fascination towards the movie and the Dragon. P.S: Trying to differentiate romanticizing and exaggerating the texts. I don’t know which of the following the above qualifies, literates please enlighten me.