On St. Patrick ’s Day we took the kids out to dinner. Our family is not Irish, but because we have so many kids many people assume we are – so I think that kind of makes us honorary Irish.
Anyway, I’m still eating vegan and have discovered that it’s near impossible to order a vegan dish in a restaurant (unless you are happy eating salad and carrots sticks for dinner.) I did the best I could, so while everyone else got dishes like Buffalo chicken mac and cheese, lamb pockets, shrimp scampi, and yes, even a boiled corned beef dinner, I order Spanakopita – which is a Greek and feta cheese pie.
I know, I know, feta cheese isn’t very vegan but I tried my best and it was lovely (and bonus points for being green.) This morning it’s back to oatmeal, lentils and beans with vegetables, and salads.
In just about a week, I’ll be leaving for Spain and France and veganism be damned, I assure you that I will be trying every new experience and adventure I come across (yes, I’m even determined to try Octopus.) My travel philosophy has always fallen along the lines of “when in Rome…” Those of you who followed my border-to-border walk know that in the spirit of “Rome” I tried wild boar during that adventure (meh, it was okay, I don’t need to have it again, but that wasn’t the point.)
There will be time (roughly two weeks) after I return from Europe to clean up my diet and return to a vegan plan in order to be ready for my scheduled two (2!) skin cancer surgeries. (I’ll write more about that when I get back, don’t really want to deal with it now.) I firmly believe that nutrition and exercise (and water and hope) play a *huge* role in healing and disease management (whether it be from a chronic disease like Lyme disease or from something traumatic like surgery.)
And I plan to heal quickly so that I can attend a son’s college graduation in mid-May.
Wendy Thomas writes about the lessons learned while raising children and chickens in New Hampshire. Contact her at Wendy@SimpleThrift.com
Also, join me on Facebook to find out more about the flock (children and chickens) and see some pretty funny chicken jokes, photos of tiny houses, and even a recipe or two.
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