Remember that we live in New Hampshire, and this being the high holy season of a Presidential Primary, we have access to all of the potential candidates. It’s not unusual for me to get several invites every week to see and ask questions of those who are running. I can go to Holiday walks, living room meetings, and even chili fests (to this day, my kids will tell you that John Kerry had the best chili ever.) And of course, when I’m wearing my journalistic hat, I even get to join the press corps to get interviews (have I told you how I was almost arrested when President Obama came to a town hall event because I had inadvertently followed his car too closely after the event?)
The chickens became involved one election day when I was challenged to somehow work chickens into politics. This is what I came up with:

At the time it was the best I could do.
And then it continued. This past summer, I made the general observation that a then visiting politician looked remarkably similar to a Vietnamese fighting cock. Apparently I’m not the only one to appreciate this comparison because that particular post happens to be one of my most searched entries (although why anyone would come up with the combination “Sarah Palin and fighting cock” to search is beyond me.)
My husband, Marc, who has made it a personal challenge to take photos of each of the Presidential candidates, goes to as many of these events as he can. Often he brings a few of the kids (who enjoy hearing the different platforms and then discussing them afterward – such are the children who grow up in New Hampshire.) Anyway, last week Marc and Addy went to see Ron Paul. Ron (like Bill Clinton whom the kids have met so many times, they *once* called him Bill – um, no.) is almost a grandfather to the kids, we all look forward to his coming around every four years and saying hi.
When I was looking at Marc’s flickr photos, I noticed something about Ron.
Here is a photo Marc took of Ron Paul in Nashua.
And here is a photo of one of our juvies. Now it could just be me, but I definitely see a resemblance in those strong, intelligent, and penetrating eyes. Ron Paul is no fighting cock, but I see a little bit of being a down-to-earth member of the flock in him. Like our chickens, he’s productive, looks out for others, and like our two roosters, Ron has never and will never shy away from telling you what’s on his mind at any point during the day.
At the end of the day, I hope Ron is pleased with this observation. There is a certain amount of honor in being recognized as one who both serves and who helps the whole run efficiently.