Self Expression Magazine

Lesson 462 – Our Elf is No Daniel Craig

Posted on the 22 December 2011 by Wendythomas @wendyenthomas

When one makes the decision to own chickens, one opens one’s life up to chickens. It’s true. All of the sudden you start seeing chicken possibilities in everything.

Which is why when I saw a chicken shaped dip dish at the Goodwill this summer (can you even imagine anyone passing this little beauty on?) I knew I simply had to grab it. I mean, like Paris Hilton collects those tiny dogs, I have an impulsive need to now collect chicken things (the only difference is that I don’t carry them in a bejeweled carrier with me when I go shopping.) Seriously, just look at how cute they all are!

Our chicken plate has become quite the signature piece of our family and has, at one time or another held chips with salsa, vegetables with dip, crackers with cheese, and this afternoon it will grace the dessert table at a party bearing a cannoli chocolate chip dessert dip. (yum)

Those who know me, know I wouldn’t show up without something chicken related (Yankee swap hint.) Chickens R Us, remember?

So this morning as I was getting ready for today’s party, I pulled out my favorite chicken serving dish and what did I find?

Lesson 462 – Our elf is no Daniel Craig

That damn elf, pretending he’s a cowboy from Cowboys and Aliens. Okay, this is going too far. Little elf, I know Daniel Craig, and you sir are no Daniel Craig. (okay, I’ll give you the blue eyes, but that’s it!)

Geesh, can’t wait until this thing goes back into the ornament box for the rest of the year.

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