Friday’s Quotes for the Chicks

These two chicks were given to me by one incredible chick, many thanks, Kristy.
“Stories are like fairy gold, the more you give away, the more you have.”
And boy, do we have stories.
Last night while I was at a board meeting an hour away from home, I got the call that all parents dread.
“Mom, it’s not that bad. I’m on the way to the hospital but don’t worry, okay?”
Clearly, my 16 year old son has never been a mother.
He had fallen out of a gymnastics landing and when he rolled back, he ended up slicing his head open on an exposed zipper (?!) This is how our newest family story goes:
Ah, my little warrior son. About 8 years ago, Trevor had a bee sting that sent him to the ER with an anaphylactic reaction. After a few hours he was stabilized and sent home. The *next* day he competed and won first place in a gymnastics meet.
Tonight he sliced his head open in the gym during practice – a trip to the ER to get the wound glued shut. This Saturday (in 1 day) he has his regionals competition. I asked him what the Doctor said about his competing.
“Nothing.” was his reply.
“Nothing?” I said looking at the gash on the back of his head, “really?”
“Well they can’t say anything about something if they’re not asked.” he answered.
Ah, My *tricky* little warrior son.
As a next-day followup to this – surprise, surprise, Trevor has discovered that wounds hurt. My little warrior is, this morning, a hurting puppy (who is glad he has a mama hen to hover and cluck over him.)
As always, happy weekend everyone, health and happiness (and safety) to your flock.