Self Expression Magazine

Lesson 540 – Quotable Chicks

Posted on the 20 April 2012 by Wendythomas @wendyenthomas

Friday’s Quotes for the Chicks 

Lesson 540 – Quotable Chicks

“It’s not the cards you’re dealt, it’s how you play the game.”



Last week I told you about how my little chick, Trevor, sliced his head open just 2 days before his Regionals Gymnastics competition – easily one of the two most important meets during the season. He managed to compete (that’s his coach in the red shirt watching carefully and ready to catch him if he falls from his double dismount – he didn’t.) Trevor did well enough (who are we kidding, he had his best meet of the season)  to qualify for the Junior Olympics National competition. In May he and I will be out in Ohio for a few days for the event.

Hmm, maybe he should slice his head open more often. (I kid, I kid)

Nest (that’s a typo but for obvious reasons, it stays) week is school vacation, be prepared for many exciting chicken, Charlie, and children stories.


As always, happy weekend everyone, health and happiness (and safety) to your flock.

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