Lesson 558 – Quotable Chicks

Posted on the 18 May 2012 by Wendythomas @wendyenthomas

Friday’s Quotes for the Chicks 

This is not a rooster. I took this at the Aquarium.

The bond that links your true family is not one of blood, but of respect and joy in each other’s life.

~ Richard David Bach

Can I just say that I had a great time last week with my 16 year old son while in Cincinnati? We spent a lot of time together and talked about everything from the weather (no, we really talked about the weather and how it differed from where we live and how those rain clouds over there looked rather fierce), to plants, to birds we didn’t recognize, and even to plans he has for his life.

I like my kids, I really do. I like talking to them and I like listening to what they have to say. They each have unique world views and insights which often make me question how I see things. My kids are smart, funny, courageous, and they stand tall.

And don’t for one minute think that I’m not eternally grateful for how lucky I am.

By the way, no worries about Charlie, the transitioning is going well, she spends the day out with the flock, has a protected area in which to be safe, and then comes in at night. It’s pretty funny when we go out in the evening, we open the door to the coop and all but one chicken marches right in. Instead of going home to roost, that one chicken trots right up to our backdoor so that she can come home to the home to roost.

See you next week.


As always, happy weekend everyone, health and happiness (and safety) to your flock.