Lesson 594 – Little House on the Prairie and Poached Eggs

Posted on the 10 July 2012 by Wendythomas @wendyenthomas

On Sunday we lost our stove. Logan was cooking a hotdog in a pan for his lunch and we all heard a very loud pop. What was that? We all asked each other.

We looked around but finding nothing we simply shrugged our shoulders and went back to making lunches.

We found out what it was later when we were getting ready to make dinner.

It’s called a thermal crack. Our porcelain top stove had finally had it and when Logan was using the burner, the stove top cracked. Yup, it cracked from one corner of the stove all the way through the right side large burner.

And even though the other burners did not crack, a cracked stove-top is an unusable stove top. (Think pyrex glass explosion.)

So we don’t have a stove-top right now and we won’t be getting one for the next few weeks (things like ER visits, medications, and physical therapy come first.) But being the resourceful family that we are, we’ve already figured out how to work around this.

I dug up the electric fry pan we had gotten for our wedding (I don’t remember who gave it to us but thank you.) Between that, our oven (which is still usable), the microwave, and the burner on our grill (we have to be able to cook a large pot of pasta) we’ll be fine.

It will be like living in Little House on the Prairie.

Except that Marc would not be able to conveniently have his morning poached eggs (he has to swirl the boiling water so that the white of the egg completely covers the yolk – meet Marc, the poached-egg-snob.)

Which makes my trip to the grocery store yesterday that much more exciting. I actually found a microwave egg poacher. You just crack an egg into a cup, add a little water, pierce the yolk and let it cook.

And while it makes a “good” poached egg – because you can not swirl it, it is not a “perfect” poached egg. But it will do.

Us residents of Little House on the Prairie can’t be too choosey (although I draw the line at playing ball with a pig bladder.)