We (I) are a huge Olympic family. Seriously during the Olympics, if you need me you can find me in front of the TV. Which, of course confuses my kids to no end.
“How come you keep telling us to turn off the TV and find a life but now the TV is on ALL DAY LONG? “ They ask me in their whiney, summer, its-not-fair voices.
Easy answer, because it’s the Olympics. Once every four years, in the summer and winter, mom gets the TV straight for about 2 weeks. Deal with it.
We end up watching it all, from the opening ceremonies to the biking, the pool, track, and rifle shooting. What is there not to watch? I’m usually there narrating the sports I know about, telling my kids what to look for in a dive, analyzing that brilliant backstroke to breaststroke turn, and talking about the angle used in a soccer kick. I listen for the stories of triumph (can anyone say Kieran Behan – if you don’t know who he is, look him up – a giant among mortals) and share the stories of defeat (Jordyn Weiber ) hey, it happens, as the mother of a gymnast I know, but the important thing is if you fall seven times to get up eight.
This weekend my youngest daughter took her sidewalk chalks and turned our street into an Olympic tribute. “GO TEAM USA” our drive proclaims. She drew a picture of Michael Phelps diving into the water “GO MP”, and a larger than life picture of the three Olympic medals; “GOLD, SILVER, and 3rd”, right alongside massive Olympics rings.
Even Charlie has gotten into the mood, although I’m not sure of her Olympic sport (competitive egg lying?), she certainly recognizes that once every four years, we, as a global community – one giant international flock, are given the opportunity to become greatly inspired not only by what our members can accomplish, but also by the truly Olympic spirit behind that which is done in the name of sport.
Charlie Standing in Olympic Rings