Self Expression Magazine

Lesson 643 – Beauty After the Storm

Posted on the 01 November 2012 by Wendythomas @wendyenthomas

We can’t get started on yard clean up because we are still expecting rain and winds from the storm as it hooks its way back to us. Oh we’ll have nothing like we had on Monday but we will have wet conditions and more branches coming down. Yard work will have to wait until the weekend when things start drying out.

I went out this morning to take a few photos from our yard. There is a certain beauty that one can find in chaos.

Lesson 643 – Beauty after the storm

Obviously the dead and weakened branches were the first to come down.

Lesson 643 – Beauty after the storm

I’m assuming that this is one of our hen’s feathers but I found it pretty far from the coop.

Lesson 643 – Beauty after the storm

This is that tall pine that got pulled out.

Lesson 643 – Beauty after the storm

And this is another pine that just snapped, think of the force it took to do this.

Lesson 643 – Beauty after the storm

The stately giraffe that guards our hen house (he stands about 6 feet tall and I got him at a yard sale for 2 dollars) lost an ear in the storm. Even still, he held his post throughout the entire event, doing his duty and protecting always, the flock.

Lesson 643 – Beauty after the storm

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