Not only am I a card-carrying member of the chicken community (and I do so love my chicken friends) but I’m also a bona fide member of the writer’s community (oh, and how I love those creative writer friends of mine.)I am a writer, more accurately, I am a story-teller and when I get to combine the two loves (chickens and writing, as I do in this blog) it makes for a very happy Wendy.
A friend of mine, who has already published one book, is currently working on a new book for young adults. Her story takes place in a Pirate Amusement Park.
A Pirate Amusement Park – is there anything better than that?
Yesterday afternoon after having spent some time on her story, she sent me email telling me about her setting (she knows that I love all things Pirate.) I had just finished sending off an article I had been working on and had some time, so we emailed back and forth on what possible pirate related things could be included at the park (if Jolly Rancher candies are not for sale, I’ll be greatly disappointed.)
This is how I get to spend my days – doing some writing, tending to my chickens, being around when the kids come home from school, and sending my friends a little bit of inspiration when they need it – it’s a life that, indeed, makes for a very, very happy Wendy.
Wendy Thomas writes about the lessons learned while raising children and chickens in New Hampshire. Contact her at
Also, join me on Facebook to find out more about the flock (children and chickens) and see some pretty funny chicken jokes, photos of tiny houses, and even a recipe or two.
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