Lessons Learned from 2013

Posted on the 31 December 2013 by Sharasekaram @sharasekaram
It seems prudent and apt that the final post of 2013 is a tribute to the wild ride that 2013 has been. I haven’t even completely absorbed the completely incredible experiences that it has given me, the untarnished memories, and the numerous lessons. This year I did a live international TV interview,made it to a paper cover, traveled, went viral twice, worked with some amazing youth from all over the island, wrote a first-class thesis, found an amazing job that makes me excited for every day, graduated, formed wonderful friendships with people, had one of those heady amazing summers that movies are made of, reaffirmed that some friendships last for a reason, acquired mentors who’s guidance and advice I would not be one-tenth of what I am without, kept meeting people who renewed my hope in the world and who taught me amazing things, received some honestly humbling accolades, and to top it all off laid the groundwork for not one, not two but FOUR amazing new ventures that I will embark upon in 2014.
The experiences, good times and ventures that I have been blessed enough to have had is a lifetimes worth of learning and yet somehow by some gracious act of the universe the road ahead shows me that this is just the start.
So real quickly – the top lessons of 2013 that I learnt!
1. Everyone has something to teach you: one of my resolutions from last year was to take every experience as a learning curve and this translated into me realizing that everyone has something to teach and learn from each other, even if it’s what NOT to do. Try doing this each day – it changes your life.
2. When you do something for someone – do it unconditionally: Don’t expect anything in return, don’t demand returns and don’t be unhappy when let down. The key to a peaceful mind is to expect nothing, that way whatever comes your way is a bonus and you are never let down. We have no right to expect anything from anyone, if you are going to do something good - do it because you want to.
3. Never turn down an opportunity: Sure sometimes this will give you sleepless nights, no social life and a deep dislike for the ease of communication available in the 21st century. BUT the more doors you go through, the wiser you become and the more doors you find opening up.
4. You can never stop learning: The greatest people I have met and admired not just this year but through my life are those who keep an open mind when viewing life and never stop learning. Yes no one knows everything and no one is perfect but those who come closest are those who never stop trying.
5. Your greatest cheerleader will always be you: This does not mean that I am discrediting the amazing people who have extended and continued to extend their unwavering support to me in whatever I chose to do (and I make some crazy choices sometimes). The fact is everyone around can support you but if you don’t believe in you – there is no point.
6. Surround yourself with people who are real: good people, people you need around you show this in various ways - allowing you to succeed or fail on your terms, knowing when to say what you need to hear and when to say what you want to hear, understanding your life at a given point in time (e.g. not getting pissed when you don’t wanna hang out coz you are tired and need self time or forcing you to come out when they know you need a break), never letting you be less than you are capable of but not pushing you so hard that you are burdened by someone else’s expectations, by being there unconditionally when you really need them.
7. Don’t forget to have fun: It’s actually okay to not be productive 24/7. Some of my greatest successes and decisions were made this year after I stayed in bed a whole Sunday watching clips off The Bold and The Beautiful on YouTube. You need time off. It’s allowed.
Final lesson: You get out of the universe what you put in – if you approach your life and dreams with the belief and attitude that is great then it really will be. Yes there will be pitfalls but they are there for a reason and are designed to teach you something.
Learn from the bad. Enjoy the good. Cherish every chance. Believe in you.
Thanks 2013 – you have been truly phenomenal. I wave you off being grateful, humbled, and beyond excited for next year.