Let's Fall for Each Other

Posted on the 18 October 2012 by Gandbblog @GandBblog

Oh, it's that time again. Time for leaves to fall, the temps to cool down, and for you to sponsor swap with Grin & Barrett! I had to throw that last one in there...Had to. So, if you have not swapped with me before, it's super easy and it does a world of good for your blog. It's like free advertisement. Well, it's not like it, it actually is free advertising. I love swapping so much, I plan to never stop, but it doesn't mean you should wait around forever either!

Here's what you can do: Email me (melissabarrett{at}grinandbarrettblog{dot}com) to know what Sponsor Swapping includes. Purchase your free ad on my Grin and Barrett ad shop. Use promo code: SWAP. Let me know how to swap with you in the About section when you purchase. Enjoy having your "face" everywhere! :)
It sounds great to me! Ya heard? 
Happy Swapping & Fall!