Let’s Get Together

Posted on the 12 September 2011 by Linsibrownson @CleverSpark

Lots of moments in life serve as reminders of what is most important – our relationships.

Friends, family and the people we meet for brief moments before they fade into a past that forever shapes who we are.  I think an event like September 11th, and the 10th Anniversary of it, is a great example of such moments.  No matter where you were or what your beliefs there is no denying that this event happened to all of us.  And from its tragedy came a universal connection among people across the country and the globe.  Rarely do these emotions hit so many people at the same time, yet there we were sharing similar thoughts with complete strangers.

A lot has changed since then and a lot of unfortunate things have happened, many perhaps in relation to it.  But that day I realized for the first time in my life  just how large the world really was, and the potential for good things to happen when so many people feel united for a cause. I hadn’t thought before about what it would be like to communicate with people on the other side of the world.  There was no social media (not counting MySpace), most people didn’t have a blog.  I’d have put stock in the flying car before I would have believed that we would be this connected only 10 years later.

Map of Online World

image courtesy of uzar.wordpress.com

In  reflection of yesterday’s Anniversary and in an effort to focus more on things that matter, I would just like to say that I’m grateful to be connected to you all.  Whether we know each other personally or not, it means a great deal to me to have the opportunity to be part of a community of amazing people around the world.   Thank you for reading Inspired Design Daily and I would love to hear your thoughts on this too.