... and all of that goes through your mind in just 2 minutes' time. Right? Maybe you keep a to-do list, a day planner, or just try -- like I do -- to keep it all sorted in your head, because keeping a day-planner would just mean one more thing to keep track of. So where does your fitness fit in with all of life's mess?
Maybe you are a fitness fanatic and already put your workouts high on your to-do list. If so, then kudos! Keep it up!!!
But if you struggle a bit with fitting it into your schedule, here are some tips I've found to help me make fitness a priority in my life.
Schedule Your Workouts Just as you would schedule anything else that is important -- doctor's appointments, date night with your husband or play dates for your kids -- set a time and place for your workout and do not let it be negotiable. If a friend asks you out to lunch, but you've scheduled a trip to the gym at that time, tell her you can't make it. You wouldn't skip the doctor's appointment for a lunch date (at least I hope you wouldn't), so don't skip your workout for it either. Sometimes things come up and you may have to reschedule, but make every effort to keep your appointment!
If you find you have trouble keeping your workout appointments, analyze why that is. Make sure you choose a time of day when you're least likely to have schedule conflicts or motivation problems. If you can only workout in the wee hours of the morning, but find it hard to choose working out over sitting on the couch with your coffee and facebook, I recommend laying out your workout clothes where you can't miss them and put them on as soon as you get up - including shoes! Have everything you need all set up and ready to go the night before - you'll be less likely to find an excuse not to follow through with your plan when your alarm goes off.
Set Tangible Goals When you work toward a tangible goal -- meaning a goal you can measure, see and feel -- you are more likely to keep fitness as a top priority. Your goal can be big or small, but it must have a target date. Some good examples:
Complete 10 full push-ups by the end of the month.
Do one unassisted pull-up by January 1, 2014.
Run one mile straight, with no walking, within 2 months.
Complete a 5K in 4 months.
Survive a half-marathon in 9 months.
Choose goals that can be measured and set a deadline. For strength-based goals (pushups, pullups, etc) keep a log to track your progress. It doesn't have to be anything fancy -- a notepad, piece of paper, an old napkin, anything. For running goals, I highly recommend registering for area races. Active.com is a great website for finding 5Ks, 10Ks, Color Runs, mud runs, even zombie runs in your area. Registration fees can vary, but I have found that shucking out some money keeps me from backing out of the race -- trust me, the $100+ entry fee for the Tough Mudder is one of the only reasons I haven't given up on that goal yet!
One caveat here - I encourage you to choose goals not tied to the scale, because weight-loss and fitness are not necessarily the same. As you get stronger you are likely to see the weight-loss stall or even reverse, because as you gain muscle (which is denser than fat) you may actually be gaining weight. Instead, if weight-loss is an overall goal, hide the scale and gauge your progress by how your clothes fit and how you feel, rather than the number.
Buddy Up Find a friend to workout with you. Your husband, your best friend, a coworker, a stranger off the street (okay, maybe be careful with that one...) But... when you have someone to hold you accountable for showing up and sticking with it, you are more likely to succeed in your fitness goals. Now, I typically dislike working out with friends. While I like class settings, I find it distracting to be there with a buddy, because I feel obligated to chat, and then I don't focus. But I have recently started running with a friend once or twice a week -- and while our babies tend to create many reasons for canceling, running with her has helped boost my motivation. Plus, since she's a talker when she runs, it forces me to work on improving my endurance as I try to keep up my end of the conversation. :)

Choose the Right Workout Choose an activity that is fun for you and fits your personality. If you try to force yourself to do a program that is boring or doesn't match your workout style, you are less likely to commit. What works for one person doesn't always work for someone else. Don't pick a workout program simply because the infomercial promised you results. You won't get results if the program isn't a good fit for you. For instance, some people really like working out individually or with a couple close friends, just doing exercises in sets, and that is more the style of, say, P90X. Other people like group fitness, or class, settings, which is more in the realm of Turbo Fire or Les Mills Body Pump. If you hate running, then maybe cycling or swimming would be a better fit. In my post next week, I'll be going over some of my favorite workout routines, programs, and classes. So if you don't know which style of workout is for you, or if you want ideas for workouts to try, you'll want to keep an eye out for that! See you then!