Dear Winter,
Some days it's hard to believe you've already been here a month and others it's like you arrived some time in August. Today is an August day.
It's not that I mind putting on four pairs of socks, three pairs of pants, two coats, and wrapping a blanket-sized scarf around my face to go outside, it's just that it makes it very hard to see (and breathe).
I get it, cold is your thing, but does it have to be so cold? I mean, why not mix it up with some highs on the positive side of that thermometer. Or live a little and kick it up to the double digits. Just to clarify, that's POSITIVE double digits.
Not to contradict a beloved Disney queen, but the cold does bother me. At least the extreme cold does. I know things now that no one needs to know - like that mascara can freeze, and what happens when it thaws.
I miss my winter. The one that didn't try to kill me with black ice, suffocate me with a mandatory face scarf, and burn me if I dare expose any skin.
Basically, I want my winter back.
Frozen but still affectionately yours,
More on the Story: Washington Post
...just for fun: