…Let the Sunshine In

Posted on the 02 February 2019 by Zer @the2women

…Let the Sunshine InHappy Groundhog Day! Today we place our hope for an early spring in the hands of a skittish ground squirrel.

By this point, Phil and his many fellow prognosticators have already made their calls. No matter what the outcome (I may have written this yesterday) I hope you have sunshine today.

Not because it could mean six more weeks of winter (which is how many there should be), but because we made it through the polar vortex, my fellow human popsicles.

We've earned a few days of above (or nearly above) freezing temps. We deserve this.

Yes, this kind of drastic flip from one extreme to the other may set off some "climate change is real" alarms, but try to at least turn the volume down. There will be time to worry about concerning weather patterns on Monday.

Now get out their and enjoy the weather while it lasts. Maybe even lose one of those scarves, and live a little.

...just for fun: